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Para-Moth is used to help control wax moths in empty drawn comb.

Para-Moth is NOT the same as Moth Balls! Do not use moth balls in you beehives!

If you have drawn comb, you need to protect it from wax moths. If wax moths get in the comb, they will destroy it.

By having comb, the new bees in the spring will already have a "house". The queen will be able to start laying eggs sooner. More eggs, more bees. More bees, more nectar. More nectar, more HONEY!

The two chemicals commonly sold to the general public for the control of moths are paradichlorobenzene and naphthalene. The former is the one approved for use by beekeepers to prevent damage from wax moth larvae in stored comb. It is registered as, and sold by beekeeping suppliers under the name of, Para Moth. Products containing the same chemical are sold in non-beekeeping outlets (such as Walmart and other grocery stores), where they are usually labeled “moth crystals.” Paradichlorobenzene is specified because it does not produce residues which will harm bees when equipment (hive bodies, supers, and comb) are placed back on the hive at a later date. Before reuse, it is only necessary to unstack the boxes and place them on their sides in order to expose the combs to the air. If it has been an extended period of time – at least a few weeks – since the Para Moth was applied, an overnight airing should be sufficient. If the chemical was used more recently and still has a detectable odor, I would air them out several days.
A word of caution: the product commonly sold as “moth balls” has as its primary ingredient the chemical naphthalene. Naphthalene will ALWAYS leave residues which will later kill bees, no matter how thoroughly the supers are aired out. ~ Phil Craft Bee Cluture

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